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La Chinata
Nourishing Facial Moisturizer
Facial cream with a high content of olive extract that together with avocado, aloe vera, and cocoa butter hydrate the skin in an extraordinary way. Its powerful antioxidant action is due to ingredients such as pomegranate and chia, a vegetable source of omega 3, 6, and 9, enhancing the production of collagen that fights against wrinkles and blemishes. A perfect natural cocktail so that the skin looks luminous, homogeneous, and radiant.
Content: 60mL
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A beauty care product is COSMOS ORGANIC certified only if:
95% minimum of the plants it contains are organic
* Environmentally friendly production and processing
* Responsible use of natural resources
* Respect of biodiversity
* Absence of petrochemical ingredient ( except for authorized preservatives)
* Absence of GMO
* Recyclable packaging